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[Attention] 【08.06.17】【Serial】Naked Diamond (2A)

发表于 2008-6-17 23:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Please see 1 at (click): 【08.06.14】【Serial】Naked Diamond(1)   
# H: B( ]  z4 S9 y5 O3 T0 n                        Naked Diamond& y4 ?2 h9 J5 v0 }8 i* O

4 I+ v* [4 d5 |$ U9 u

# _/ s. w* O/ ^% M2 W    At one point, I thought I was cold-blooded. All the men in the world are selfish assholes. They either promise nothing, only appear in their time of need; or promise stars and moons to naive women, taking advantage in the name of love. Nobody is worth my love. I will not fall for anyone. I was kind of narcissistic, but meanwhile dreadfully lonely. Like a midnight spirit, I was playing around between guys, watching their greedy countenance. When I moodily kicked them off ruthlessly, they still didn't have a clue where they went wrong, and I was there laughing my ass off and looking for the next game. * h* K+ ~+ a; I% v: M( G/ A

7 }  b( v* s) _# Q& ^( A$ B    Until he turned up.
6 N  q' e. b  [  - p3 {! a* `# s; B# @! X
    I started Internet chat through QQ when I was completely despairing with my husband. I knew sooner or later I'd divorce him. But I was hesitating to take any action. Mainly because it's not only me who had put all the money into his new-established business to support him, but also my parents had lent him a big amount of money too. I was sure he wasn't able to repay the money so far, and I was worried if I divorce him, he would not repay it at all. I didn't like to broadcast my private life. Probably the best media to release my loneliness, anger and desperation is QQ. Nobody knows nobody, nobody cares about nobody. Just chat up anyone at random. And of course, I'm not going to tell them any of my true information.
1 W' X5 d( {. k2 z# g  r+ ^& j" G7 |
    We first met on QQ was in April. The day I just finished work and came back home around 5pm (you see, I really do have a nice easy job ha). My husband wasn't home as usual. I turned on the computer and brought myself a bucket of ice-cream, which would be my dinner, as usual as well. I was bored because none of my ‘friends’ were on line. I was almost going to give up and log off, then a stranger invited me to chat with him. Ok, I accepted him invitation as I didn't have any other thing to do.4 W( S- \8 q4 @4 Z3 F$ T" d4 N1 q

* M' W3 i" P9 Y$ M/ d5 o    “Hi~~” He sent me the first line.6 N2 p0 e% }5 B; u
    “Hi~~~” Ok, here we go! We gonna to do some routines now. Let's see what you are going to end up with.
! K  \8 }! d5 ?3 J; L    “How are you?” Boring. Just be a little more patient and see.
$ E- f3 E0 M- T" g# u' _& ]) D# ?    “I'm ok. And you?” I didn't know how long I would stand this sort of conversation. + C3 ~; v2 ~7 N2 ^( Q8 a
    “I'm ok too.” Come on! Say something! Why did you chat me up then? If you don't make the first step, then someone has to. And guess what, I don't care! Although I'm a girl. It's Internet. Welcome to the virtual world!# v" j; N* C, U4 K5 h* L* f
    “So what's your name then?” It's a bit rude to ask real name, but I have nothing to lose. You don't have to tell me. ) m1 B, ^. z- T3 D* t' _) R
    “Tik. And you?” Flipping nair (Am I spelling wrong? If someone knows pls tell me, 'cause I don't know how to spell it. I only know how to pronounce it. Thank Q)! Crazy guy! Wait, it might not be his real name. Probably he's just messing with me. Who believes who's fool.$ [" ^) |/ K& I6 t
    “Amy.” You think I would tell you my name? No way! Not in a million years. 4 j9 Z7 L! P, `# ?7 k
    “What's your job then?” Another rude one. You could ignore me if you don't like it.
, h$ c+ i0 T; F9 f* b    “Engineer. You?” Ha, good job! But who knows if it's true. Let's just keep on this way as you like and started. We must play it for real either if it's really real or not.+ v, ?" o  M. [+ `( _) h
    “Me? I'm……a teacher.” I hesitated for a while, then I decided just to tell him, because it didn't really matter. There are so many schools and collages, as long as I didn't tell him which one I really work for. It sounded nice for a girl to have such a job.: n" Z3 n# z8 G& m- W
    “Oh, really? Nice job!” Sure, of course, I know. Go on. “Which module do you teach?” Are you asking too much! You XXXX! Ok, be patient. It's a game.
9 y: T1 a: D2 h6 |' j$ u    “Oh, I nearly forgot to ask where you are from?” I refused to answer and just changed topic.( V! h, Y9 q3 ~2 C) R
    “Oh, sorry, forgot to tell you I'm from Bangkok, you know, in Thailand.”
. e  A% V+ ^0 y  y7 ~) H4 J1 B    “Oh! It's a looooooooong way! And guess where I am?” I suddenly got interested and a bit exited.- |; T5 a) e$ t- o' s
    “Shanghai? Am I right?” That's surprising! He already knew! He chatted me up on purpose!
: w) a- f# b! f, s9 ]    “How do you know?” You must've seen my profile on QQ. Oh, yeah, nealy forgot to check your profile! Let's see if you are really from Bangkok.
' C% k; A' U; i8 W0 t  E    “It says in your profile.” Ok, the network doesn't lie. And you are really from Bangkok!9 p# a6 p3 h2 R  q2 M4 H! x' l) |
    “Well, yes, I'm in Shanghai. So you knew I'm in Shanghai and you chatted me up?” I got to the point straight away.
8 i8 X. s4 j! B! k. l    “Yeah, 'cause I travel to Shanghai every now and then.” Yeah, so you want to meet me next time when you come.
( D8 D: S! V1 a    “So?” I played slow on purpose.
  v% c( ?. B0 C( K    “So, maybe……nothing, never mind.” Ha, you shy boy, I like.; t# a4 B6 |5 R- _- D1 K) X: A
    “Oh, sorry, could I just ask, how old are you?” Rude one.6 `2 G" c" q" v  g3 [+ |4 J
    “31. You?” Oh, you don't ask a girl's age!7 b3 e1 f) q) d# k% c5 f
    “23.” But I wanted you to know. “Are you married?” Keep on digging." y3 V9 [; y" d- o. v& m
    “Not yet.” Don't! Don't ask me the same question, please! Good, he didn't.
7 Z2 s, A1 X3 V6 q6 I% k0 Q    “So, do you live with your parents or on your own?” Tried to see if he's independent enough or not, which means how heavy he's pocket is.2 S$ j. V1 L( V' w
    “I don't have parents any more. I live on my own.” What? What happened?' L+ i0 H& v+ D5 I
    “Oh, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to remind you of that.” I didn't keep on digging that, because I started to like him, and I didn't want him to feel I was mean. & r( Q& a, }& m4 k& M) v! _
    “It's ok, I'm not bothered anymore.” He looked ok, like what he said. So I was relieved a little bit.
' I5 Y, z, S0 s5 \8 N; o% Z    “Do you live with your girlfriend then?” I guess I was really challenging his tolerance.
4 E# A" B5 |5 R0 E! s2 G- F    “No, she didn't live with me.” He sounded ok. Strange. 4 H4 }. G9 @% h
    “How come? Since you live on your own.” Something's fishy." a0 H- a) {! i* i1 {, m' N; f% D
    “We used to live together for 3 years.” More fishy.
" e# p+ C+ `6 E. L/ ~    “Why you separated then?” And he's still keeping answering my rude questions! Without questioning me back any! He's so cute!  L- }7 }( C% C. p
    “Her mum once came. She cried and threatened us that she would kill herself if her daughter didn't move back with her. I didn't want anything happen to her, so I convinced my girlfriend to move back.”
9 v. e. q2 k; j    “Oh, you are a very nice guy!” He's so nice. I remember before I got married, my mum did the same thing to my husband, but he just shouted to her and called the police! I didn't know what I was thinking at that time, but I was standing by him! How stupid and blind I could ever be! Mum is always mum. She loves me for sure and forever! Why I never met a guy like Tik before in my life? At least I would've known how a nice guy's like! Anyway, it's too late to discuss about this now. Let's keep on talking. But I didn't want him know that I'm married. And that's where it went wrong from the beginning. Because I lied to him. And that's the only thing I lied. Well, I should say I was just avoiding to tell him voluntarily, because he never asked me about that.
% z6 l9 M3 o' M! }0 W4 b' y! h
2 B" K) d1 n$ j, U( r( V" A3 q* _Please see 2B at (click): 【08.06.21】【Serial】Naked Diamond (2B)
+ F+ k: f4 Q# Q5 K$ v8 |
" A- ^) p. ?5 Y$ y- r                                          
( ^8 M3 r* P/ O& r. E4 V6 \
% A- s0 B, A# Y0 q! P2 Z[ 本帖最后由 helendai 于 2008-7-4 12:47 编辑 ]


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发表于 2008-6-18 14:51 | 显示全部楼层
can't  wait   to   finish  it  !!
发表于 2008-6-19 19:59 | 显示全部楼层
Your writing is so attractive,you are of good literary talent!!6 A! v1 O2 I: C. Z8 @3 D0 y  Y8 M
Waiting for your updating!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-19 20:40 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lachesis 于 2008-6-19 19:59 发表 ' ?7 x2 K7 A! M  R
Your writing is so attractive,you are of good literary talent!!3 }7 c8 Q$ I' r; Z" Z) b
Waiting for your updating!
% i% L; J: {: x

5 s1 u/ n  |7 I' g8 Ui thought nobody's reading it~~~~~thank u lachesis~~~~~~i'll renew one of these days.:)
发表于 2008-6-19 20:52 | 显示全部楼层
May be English is a little laborious  for  majorities, but I will always support you!:)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-19 22:01 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lachesis 于 2008-6-19 20:52 发表
8 _3 Y3 _1 U  t$ {' y; YMay be English is a little laborious  for  majorities, but I will always support you!:)

5 B7 s* ]4 U: K& g0 X6 |3 qyeap, agree.  But doesn't matter, we have to pass the 'labor pain' period at the beginning, and someone has to make some effort to push it a little bit, isn't it? so we shall support each other, and believe one day this area will have more people to browse and more people will get more active in this area.
发表于 2008-6-19 22:25 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 helendai 于 2008-6-19 22:01 发表 % d2 P/ S7 l! ?" @; C
9 g1 y& w0 c+ o( f) i5 t. d
yeap, agree.  But doesn't matter, we have to pass the 'labor pain' period at the beginning, and someone has to make some effort to push it a little bit, isn't it? so we shall support each other, and ...

4 }# ~5 J3 d$ n; g1 N; myes, we should try our best to internationalise our board, but I have little time to do it.
9 c# l) j* ]4 N/ H: b6 e! a  pSo, thanks for your supporting!
+ Q* x  X/ C5 F' Z0 V$ zEnglish page will be opened in a couple days, at that time Thinkjaden can do her administrator job conveniently, I  believe everything will be better and better!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-19 22:38 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lachesis 于 2008-6-19 22:25 发表 4 S) i: w5 R7 s. k

. I5 r& P' A* pyes, we should try our best to internationalise our board, but I have little time to do it./ x3 v4 |* {9 V; b; ]
So, thanks for your supporting!
$ f% F& t  ?0 Q( o1 c# r- MEnglish page will be opened in a couple days, at that time Thinkjaden ca ...

) J: d+ h& C& h; p
' e! m! j' U9 cyeah, sure, great! we can see the sun light is in front of us, not far, there, just a couple of steps and a little bit more effort~~~~~!
发表于 2008-6-20 02:32 | 显示全部楼层
wonderful indeed!  waiting....
发表于 2008-6-21 23:09 | 显示全部楼层
Major in English? I really enjoy your article
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