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[Attention] 【08.07.04】【Serial】Naked Diamond (4A)

发表于 2008-7-4 00:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Please See 3B at (click): 【08.07.01】【Serial】Naked Diamond (3B)
8 ^$ f/ Q# d: d1 W; u1 C% V                        Naked Diamond
: j8 F  t, _* E; v7 R
* l- s7 U, Q, R( ^" W0 P0 P) H3 Z  c1 }% i  E: P
        When I came into the elevator, it was 11:10pm.
. {4 L' h5 H4 L6 S        The whole building was dead quiet. I pressed the ‘19’ bottom and leant on the corner of the lift. My heart was sinking while the elevator was lifting. 7 \5 P3 u+ V4 a+ y! h
        I must’ve disturbed my neighbours by opening and closing the metal theftproof door. " O" m, [; f  \. }' k
        Having switched on the light of the commodious sitting room, I felt dreadfully desolate. With a low sigh, I walked towards the only bedroom that was not locked.
! t/ r, U+ ^, m* O
3 s* U2 J. t1 |5 B& l        If I knew my husband is such a dominating, grumpy, jealous and violent guy, I wouldn’t have married him. Of course I wouldn’t have children with him since I knew I would divorce him sooner or later.
/ f' ~3 ?& ~, M' a! D" u- |        He beat me up and threw me out of the master bedroom and changed the locks after he discovered the contraceptive pills hidden in my dresser. He thought I was using them with other men. Then he tried to get reconciled in order to have sex with me. I didn’t compromise since he’d given me a good excuse, despite how off-putting his fatty belly and his movement was when he was trying to turn me on. 4 W1 w5 w6 U: R* U% y0 e* P9 X+ U' [
        He tortured me the whole night after I talked to a male friend two days later. Since he realised there was no way to rescue our relationship, he had rarely appeared in the flat. % l& N) d) h" C% {0 g
6 M& P. R+ x1 O2 C        I took off my clothes, hung them back in the wardrobe, and put on my bedgown. I took a quick shower and put some night cream on.
$ l) Y$ I0 G* j* ]! h        I was tired but I couldn’t sleep. I started thinking how different between Tik and my husband. ; ?. k+ X5 c. ?/ a
        Successful or not isn’t necessarily to do with age. The capability of caring for women isn’t necessarily to do with age as well. I switched on the TV and set 30 minutes auto-switch-off. That’s the only effective way to put me into sleep.
, }; Z5 M  ~$ @* n- Y  
  g# C7 x0 @1 P% |        The next time I opened my eyes was 8:50 the next morning. The strong sunlight broke through the closed curtains.
$ G* S5 X, E5 ?/ J2 m. h5 V        I almost jumped up and blaming myself for having missed the alarm. I thought I was late for work. I was supposed to wake up at 5:30am and travel an hour and a half to my workplace before 8am. , y# D: a* b$ g7 x
        15 seconds later I started to remember that it was Sunday and I hadn’t set alarm. I felt relieved and happy. I lay back again and pulled the blanket over my face to shade my eyes from the sunlight. It’s so nice to enjoy a late morning in bed. 8 K( Y0 {4 ?# N1 h" f
        But after the shock a moment ago, my drowsiness had gone. I started to remember I would have a day out with Tik. I started getting excited and thinking what to wear. They had to be nice and comfortable. I decided to wear a black cotton sleeveless top and a red corduroy up-to-knee skirt. They are both fit, but not too tight. No problems with eating and moving. I was thinking not to wear the same colours again, but 90% of my clothes are black, red and white. I didn’t have better choice. A pair of grey-silver leather flat sandals would go with any colour and also casual too. , S; [, ~6 x* u9 m  b/ i* ]
        When I was struggling whether to get up or not, my mobile phone rang up. 9:30am. It was Tik. 0 f7 X) D  [+ P9 @  Z
* m$ P! C5 Q& M" t    “Morning, you are so early.” I said with a lazy voice like a cat.
/ X! I8 k5 y$ d* y4 N# O# ~! X    “Did I wake you up? You sound drowsy.” Gentle voice with smiling.& C9 I6 s- ]% Y" D
    “No, I’m already awake, but still in bed.” ; ?% y" m! D) u' U1 F# [; A4 B! D$ k
' a* `: h* A/ x1 l1 _/ I. m- }9 X* T    “Yes.” 2 N! e( l$ f; M! V4 t, ]/ @
    “Good. What time shall we meet then?” 1 U! f5 p$ }6 U: t0 M9 G8 j
    “I need an hour to get ready, about 10:30am. Is that ok?” & K$ A- b/ q; d& Q, @  i! j5 Y
    “Yeah, fine. I just woke up too, and I need to go gym for an hour as well.” : ]. R7 j$ V2 M( H6 F1 F% y
    “Ok, see you then.” & `9 l, a* b( E" d
, ?7 i$ f) i6 Q" Y  ?2 p% `. ^        The first thing after he woke up was to ring me! He couldn’t wait to see me. And after today, he would not be able to refrain from his desire for me. ! X/ j7 ?' e6 p; Q

0 X* {$ _2 _7 y4 ^0 R8 V/ N        I jumped off the bed, rushed into the bathroom. % b* j  ~% b* u
        Having enjoyed the half hour’s shower in the Sunday morning, I blow-dried my hair. It looked soft, glossy and stretchy. I felt the natural grace of my whole body. I closely looked at my face in the mirror, checking if there was any subtle wrinkle while applying the eye jelly and day cream. At the age of 24, I need to be aware of any aging evidence and take good care of myself. Good, nothing had been found, even around my eyes. My skin looked freshly silky, fair, juicy and springy. $ e( v+ E& Q8 s. X$ z4 p. ?' i- I
        After some light make-up, I put on a black push-up lace bra and the matching black lace knickers, the chosen top, skirt and sandals.
# R% @7 q; j" R& h+ X" ?# d6 V& q        I looked at myself in the mirror. Perfect. Who could resist me. 6 l1 j# k6 ~+ q1 p
        10:20 Am. Need to hurry up.
! I4 q1 v" A- h1 W* h) B        I put my mobile phone, a small mirror, a small comb, a lipstick, a lip balm and some money in a small square hand made bag, made with alternate black and red leather strips. I locked the door, went downstairs and walked out of the estate. * B' i3 i% a$ V8 y
        The security guard was watching me, trying to pry into people’s affairs. 3 H3 O8 q, ?: p1 y5 D* O
        I walked towards the main road, waving my hand to the hurtling taxis. A sky blue VW Passat stopped in front of me. I felicitated myself by having the luck to get into a nice taxi. 5 V( c! i+ }/ x" w3 s
        What a nice day! ( q/ }/ u4 ?; }3 v! I9 ?+ N
   , K8 l$ T" M( p9 d/ Z* D. ~0 u+ m
        When I arrived Hyatt, it was 10:35am. Good to be a little late. That showed I wasn’t desperate, but still polite. I rang him up. & |' f& k& M4 G# R7 S3 h
. T2 F7 u; w8 _, X2 `    “Morning, I’m at the entrance.” I wasn’t expecting to enter his room. Especially when it was too early.
# L/ M; N, B- ~: ^" `0 K, ~    “Oh, you are very on time. I just finished gym, and need a shower. Would you mind coming to my room to wait?” What? He’s inviting me!
  ~* ]: ^0 Z# Z$ c    “Er…sure?” I did heisted for a while, but of course I wouldn’t refuse.
& h! a3 U& S/ J/ W  d    “Hahaha, don’t worry, I won’t eat you.” He’s Naughty. I was chuckling to myself.
1 `% Y% {. y3 \7 G    “Ok. Which room?” Let’s see what he would end up with.0 ?( `7 d3 {$ \0 J
    “6815.” Probably he had been planning for that. Who knows.
6 c9 u# L  ~$ f; ~  
. B+ H. |2 |  |# \! ^# {. u        A waiter directed me to the 53rd floor, where the hotel lobby is. 7 V' U) |' d" G! m
        The lobby looked extra sparkling and transparent with the resplendent lighting. Some stylish fabric camel settees and chocolate side tables are fitly ranged along the glass wall. ' `) v2 H* A. |3 S6 k
        I passed through the lobby, changed another lift and found his room. # m# |! p+ T) N. @6 J' k: ?
        Having taken a deep breath, neatened my hair, I pressed the doorbell. % X- }2 l& g+ e; C& e5 I0 L
  0 z* l$ w! s5 [* b+ @) S6 j
    “One minute!” His voice shouting from a distance.) z! ]+ }! l" h) O
    “Ok.” What was he doing and asking me to wait!& ]! _0 I$ s7 o  d0 m8 p
1 H+ Q% s; a. L6 U        I heard him moving around, then walking towards the door.
: {4 \$ ]( a0 w( X" }  W        Door opened and he stooped sideways hiding himself behind the door, only protruded his head out of the door.
0 s) m2 `  H+ D" o: o9 ~* H  & q6 Y8 n4 i5 @0 W! P' o- M7 S
    “Hi, Amy, come in please.” He’s laughing! What on earth he’s doing?3 j" I6 e+ u8 r& E
        But I still walked in with a smile.
6 Q9 r6 I* c; f+ ?2 y# I5 \8 v. z    “Sorry about that. I was in the middle of the shower.” He looked fine, but I felt a bit embarrassed. After all, we were not known each other that well. " V& h. y/ |; j$ l
& M1 u7 o+ r, X+ I        I pretended calm and turned my head back and looked at him.
- M3 k* L' n% i        He’s half naked with a white towel coved from his waist down. His hair was wet. A few beads of water attached on his bronze-colored skin. His burly body jumped into my eyes. - W+ p3 I& F  H' b6 u% T" j
        My heart started pumping. I turned away to hide my blushes. + p* o0 V3 ?8 \( r  m# v( |
  ' k) a2 {  |. R$ k6 n
    “No problem.” Calm down! I said to myself.- p9 \* S& K1 ]  r6 N2 |$ A
    “Just a few minutes more, won’t be long. Have a seat please.” He was still laughing! He must have noticed my tiny little emotional change.4 P) H# a9 a# Q1 I" ?
    “Ok.” Why I felt nervous? It had been long time to have such feelings.
) [& ^3 I; ], c' P' `  8 ?: A+ {3 B  e! o! [
        I could hear he was sniggering in the bathroom. Bad boy. He knew I was coming up and didn’t wait for me. He did that on purpose. Showing off his body! That means he was attracted to me already! But don’t let things happen too fast, specially it was not the right time now. Take it easy, I thought. # q8 W, [' [  i7 u* n( Q" e
        I sat in the camel chaise longue, seeing through the glass wall, which offers premier views of the Shanghai waterfront. - _+ x( C1 l. D1 j. Q+ c# {% w
        The room is not big, but nicely decorated with elegant sandalwood Art Deco.   `8 _# ]1 t3 Z  X+ b, u) ]) c
* r; U" `' h" }& ^/ Y: P0 H
        A few minutes later, he came out of the bathroom wearing a white short-sleeve shirt and a pair of black trendy trousers. He smiled and put on his black leather belt and a pair of black leather stylish shoes.
+ {" k! B, I# k        Oh, god! My heart started pumping again!
: [1 @) V: ~! w  
; z. Z9 v9 d% P# j; E    “Have you decided where we are going?” he said.
9 q% v* N5 G' r5 z; z# b    “Er…it’s nearly 11am. Are you hungry?” Almost time to have lunch.% t8 P) d+ y( o7 L: M# [% k
    “I’m starving. I didn’t have breakfast.” Good. Me too.5 H* U) ^. @! f: \& ]
    “Shall we find somewhere to eat first, then see what we’re going to do?” ; h8 Z* c8 M' d. `# c
    “Good idea. What do you want to eat?” % S9 {4 {; @( d1 Z
    “I don’t feel like to eat too much. Would you like some noodle? Wu Yue Ren Jia’s noodle is very famous, but I’ve never tried.”
- m) k: H0 X: u$ y6 W    “Ok, we’ll go there.” / C1 J( `1 G3 c/ ~
, R6 I7 @# X9 S2 Q6 @        We walked next to each other all the way. It felt really good, especially when the young receptionists were watching us admiringly.
- X3 ]  a: E% \: D8 d& M        We decided to go to the one near People Square. Well, actually I decided. It’s quite near Hyatt, just 5 minutes to cross the tunnel under the river by car, and there are lots of entertainment places.
, ^5 J; V( q% [To Be Cont., w3 D) q. |* n" Y5 a7 }2 u6 w
: H. q/ ?- ~0 l7 z* g
5 {1 G6 ]9 y4 v  M3 F5 l[ 本帖最后由 helendai 于 2008-7-4 12:49 编辑 ]


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发表于 2008-7-4 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-4 12:06 | 显示全部楼层
Wow~~Another three chapters ~Great!( r$ b3 b- x! [  c+ |; p: D
You didn't eat you word~hehe~
, X3 k, P8 M  W% ]9 P# f4 mThax a lot~
9 D( y  O9 G+ K6 f& x9 e1 h5 hGive you a hug for support~hehe~@  * y/ l5 d  a8 C6 [- ?$ f
Keep going~~
发表于 2008-7-5 00:05 | 显示全部楼层
There are many detailed descriptions in your works. I am eager to know what will happen then. expecting next chapter.
发表于 2008-7-7 12:35 | 显示全部楼层
Wow, Tik is so cute in the picture. :)
发表于 2008-7-12 16:56 | 显示全部楼层
I found a refreshed Chinese chapter (3B), thus I returned to the English version(3B)  and read it again. Basically they are the same, except that the Chinese version is more detailed. For instance, the first greeting between the major characters were added psychological descriptions in Chinese rather in English version. ; ?( r* M" e% ~; y: j
It's great to create an English novel first and then to rewrite it in Chinese.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-13 02:22 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lily_zl 于 2008-7-12 16:56 发表
+ Q/ A. V' p1 y8 g- CI found a refreshed Chinese chapter (3B), thus I returned to the English version(3B)  and read it again. Basically they are the same, except that the Chinese version is more detailed. For instance, th ...
" }2 D7 u2 D" d! W
2 e& c3 y2 }2 f6 [& k# a6 r
yeah~~~i found the same~~~after all, english is not my first language, there are too many things i couldn't discribe and express~~~it's much easier for me to write it in chinese. ~~~Plus, when i turn the english version to chinese version, it makes me to think again, and there are more ideas come out~~~that's why the chinese version would be more details. hahaha~~~
发表于 2008-7-17 01:17 | 显示全部楼层
I can image the picture of almost- half- naked Tik which really made me excited. haha!
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