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[Attention] 【08.06.23】Tik's Interview (Papayond Bantueng Magazine )

发表于 2008-6-22 23:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Papayond Bantueng Magazine 3 i6 r1 j3 o& C$ N- ]

( z/ V* J: d6 e# B3 D6 dColumn - Interview 9 G8 D' p! n+ n4 Y' g5 q7 Y9 g
! j. \( o/ P+ m' a* {
Issue 1629 Year 34: 9 – 15 April 2008
$ b0 Z" x5 t; O) K9 C
9 [9 w# C, W7 u3 O, ^) }) VOpen up Tik Jesadaporn’s heart - a Green Heart Praeak; y, I& k8 H5 _8 ?2 D

  q% a" {3 p, VHe had been away from jobs and opportunities in the entertainment field for sometime to seek for happiness of his choice. The praeak with handsome face and nice name “Tik Jesadaporn Pholdee” falls in love with the beauty of the trees/ the nature. We believe his heart turned green…. in every single cell of it, no space left for anything else* T, u" m9 s; T4 N9 v

3 r! Z% R0 a9 m& o. y, H/ Y* E0 LWe met Tik again when he came out of the jungle for taking a job of his profession. It is a musical sitcom ‘Love Rhythm’ produced by Toe Klom and Workpoint Entertainment that he is taking. This is a good chance to hear from him what’s in his mind and expose his real character. The honest praeak, he chooses to do things from his heart. His love and care of nature is deep down inside but not beyond our reach and understanding+ m0 Q, G2 G$ u$ S8 h

. \/ Y7 m% P' x! w+ Q7 ]6 EYou have been away from lakorn for many years- C" U0 n% v8 B3 P; [

( \1 f( k- u1 |" o1 R5 ?2 B" F: jTIK: (laugh) Almost 2 years krub, I have been traveling around and at the same time shooting the Navigator that aired every special holiday at channel 30 B& X& w  t: y6 D7 }

. F! {- t! S, y' t) [; g% G+ KThe fact that I have been away and not taking any lakorn, well, I think we don’t have to work all the time, do we??? Therefore, my missing is equal to my holidays. My career in entertainment allows me to manage the time schedule/ work plan, so I can take a continuous holiday. I seek opportunities to go exposure to the culture, other new social, new people who know and didn’t know me. I realized …how come …for a few miles away within the same country, we are totally different…
: k1 s/ C( D4 C' z6 G
% P; L2 o3 h; m( x! m- \I feel proud to have chances to visit and to see those beautiful places, absolutely stunning places you never can imagine. I also met great people who are kind, friendly, speak nicely. These different and unique characters impressed me and make me happy
$ |5 i- l  b$ |9 t
. b7 j% O8 _8 p# u; W" Y, bBut don’t we now have many ways to happiness?
- @7 t% `' f7 A( v: S$ B$ n, ]0 a7 b, ~" J* b9 Y
TIK: sure we do, but travel to nature is my way and it is in my blood since young. I go to the jungle right away whenever I have a chance. Not many people know… well not anymore. Now many people knew (laugh) as I brought few guests to travel with me in my program
4 I7 C- k0 e4 |' m8 }2 C2 `& j- l5 ?' n: @
City life is just about traffic jam, pollution etc, and I always have been and seen this all the time, so I always say to myself whenever I have time and I still have enough energy, I will go to some place else… the nature can do no harm to us( G2 V( ~/ J7 {8 {

$ t; g" q  n, h% g, I: x* }# JYou have been in the nature this long, have you covered all the places?3 \3 E; G5 s, y* i3 l4 \3 k/ K* ~
$ U( i- b! V' T, Q/ E
TIK: not yet krub. No target or any time frame set but the place that always in my dream is the Halabala Jungle in Naratiwas province krub…
2 C5 g5 l! u/ t8 a/ z, r% d  ^
8 Y" z7 J) [2 KI think if the situation settles, the peace is back and conflicts are solved in the deep South, then the adventure travelers will be there. The jungles in the southern provinces are still abundant there are plenty of unseen plants/trees and wildlife. U# _& u5 [1 ^6 n/ y! ~/ @
2 h1 w& N( t: ~% ~* j
When you are in the nature world, have you ever think of the entertainment world at all?8 p# n+ _; o! I' q
2 ~6 s$ S( N- T; s
TIK: of course I always thinking of it… I mean it!
  {( {: [4 f. `) ~4 X/ ?5 P8 B; }& s- M; I! r
Because of you are not quite a person who attached to or like to socialize and can get away to travel without having to worry about anything, will this make people think Tik is an eccentric praeak?
  ^5 n' Y3 Y$ }+ m
& ?' q1 q0 u$ g' `TIK : (laugh) there are many people with the same personality as me na krub!!! Or people who like doing things this way exist in quite a large number. I think it is a personal preference and cannot be told to do or the other way around further more there is nothing wrong with this, it is legal, isn’t it krub??? (laugh)6 [3 w( m, P" C2 A+ P

, I% e( v! m) k0 d4 A! ~So, I will continue being the way I am, doing things I like, my creative ideas came from this
5 W/ O. c+ \* ?7 H8 ], c3 v: W: [* f+ k; v0 }+ L
How do you see the current entertainment business, where is it up to?
' U; H, Q& }: v" o' B& t) ^- Q- V8 F
TIK : I think it is still good. Well, everyone has to work and continue pursuing their careers. For me, a career actor is still my profession!!!* ^+ w' _) F% H0 ~& n
2 R2 E' g; X7 S" S
‘Career’ is a source to generate income…for me, I can perform any job to earn enough to live on… but not to struggle or give away all of my time for money. If I have a lot of money but I lost my time for leisure, this is useless, I end up unhappy. It is better to earn just enough to live, to pay your bills and some left for filling up the tank for bringing me to travel upcountry, that’s all I want. My parent and everyone in my family understand me well; I always have been like this since young $ Y/ r: ]3 w. s/ ?7 w. `

+ }# f* \1 V' O9 ~It looks like your holiday and travel leisure…is now ending for temporary, isn’t it?
3 U# C. ~) `  l2 Z2 g+ g0 v
6 J7 M2 M8 C! E! M+ E- pTIK : (laugh) krub I am back to work on the musical sitcom ‘Love Rhythm’. I think it is fun. I have been casting action and high class person roles which have a solemn/formal character all the time. It may be good to have a sitcom; I would like to try this character krub. Pe Sung (the director) wants everyone to play and ‘be yourself’ as well. We only have to blend the story of family and friend of this sitcom together$ u' _4 X) K2 u6 [3 r; Q% F" h& p
! \' `  d7 z' Y# R6 ?3 `
Folk, the graphic designer who has a dream of being musician, and me are very much alike. He has a character close to mine that is the love in music. Most teens, at one point of time, crazy about music/playing guitar, want to have a band just like their idols, me too& V9 U5 x( y( f+ R$ B( S

( o1 m$ K- e. @; z+ m0 Z% f2 AIn this musical sitcom you have to sing, haven’t you?: C0 ]' a# M% V& B. ]6 t

0 Z% \1 S4 G# P8 \TIK : (laugh) I have to admit…I am not a good singer. If I am good at it, I would have my own album long time ago. I can play music/guitar but I cannot sing and never been trained to. However, they don’t need a good singer here, this character doesn’t have to sing well but he has to be in love/crazy with music. It’s okay and looks real if he is to miss or twist the note, the key or perform an awful song
/ f: _2 s3 C2 ^+ K% {( h( ^( r3 N- @# n, N
You have been performing so many kinds of praeak/ characters, any character else you want to play?
1 ?/ r8 N3 t; O" f3 g9 Z
8 t' @  J$ N: o' E1 _TIK : do you really want to know??? (laugh) it is something near to me. I want to be in a lakorn that talking about preserving nature. I have met several rangers, heads of the natural parks, wildlife and plant preservation of each area and I admire what they have been doing, their hearts that full with loves and devoted to nature. I want lakorn to convince audiences/youngsters to concern and protect our forests and wildlife. I want lakorn to play that role too. Because these youngsters will then grown up with a heart that loves nature like me/ that character+ i! X4 l! C) o- ~" B# I4 _
% U4 Q; i% b# z
Okay Tik…you’ve convinced us, we are truly believe you are so much in love with nature and thinking of it much more than thinking of girls like any other guys at your age!!!
& r9 e, g: z! L5 ]; R- b6 ]6 ]8 {# r- Y
[ 本帖最后由 lachesis 于 2008-6-23 20:31 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-6-23 09:42 | 显示全部楼层
you all above should  post any words in English in this area
! A  E! P6 D3 Q6 }3 p6 I6 ^! g, Q0 ^% K. `/ P  [
Please look at this article carefully ,  http://lovetik.5d6d.com/thread-3511-1-1.html
; _9 P3 |5 b. d) z$ Q
4 s2 y: c" e: a' g. Q2 BIt may just spends you several minutes.
9 A6 Z9 T' n( Q5 B# y+ \* Z5 s. f  x$ \  v
    Let’s Surf The Internet With Harmony!! W0 _0 h! q& r) c3 ]! z
. a( W2 @3 v" R+ K
Stay Away From The Forum Wrangles,
: ^# c, ^% D& u# O" A! R7 H$ n; W+ T6 ^# {" {. I$ k! ?
[ 本帖最后由 星星与太阳 于 2008-6-23 09:43 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-6-23 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
yes,tik  is  a  spcial  person  whose  actions  and  words   making  my  heart   peace, it;s  beyond  love,he  is  my   heart "s  navigator!
发表于 2008-6-23 11:53 | 显示全部楼层
Good luck from 1# to12#, 'cause MS all your posts would be deleted soon~~~~~~7 o* r# h6 U& e! r: f

7 Q" U& k; m( e% c
发表于 2008-6-27 18:48 | 显示全部楼层
wondering which one is posted earlier, just want to say that there are two same articles here.  Thanks for the sharing anyway
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