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[Attention] 【08.06.21】【Serial】Naked Diamond (2B)

发表于 2008-6-21 13:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Please see 1 at (click):   【08.06.17】【Serial】Naked Diamond (2A)
2 y4 m4 R% `8 u( U* h3 u; n7 y               Naked Diamond8 I# c, W; e9 V/ }
; A2 T0 a6 t4 a6 z- B, @
, E9 _& O. B3 j5 [2 X  C$ \1 K7 q    “Since your girlfriend moved out, do you see her often?” I didn't know why I was so curious about his girlfriend.
* V+ o3 x4 h) L
    “Yeah, I think so. Sometimes.” Something must've happened. Either he didn't want me to know they meet often or they really didn't meet often. Both were good news for me.% q5 x% A* G* \/ f4 t
    “What did you mean you think so and 'sometimes'?” You must be waiting for this question.2 R  D7 @# \$ B  N4 a" F# o" d
    “...Nothing, really. Never mind. Sometimes she comes to my place, and sometimes I go to see her.” He changed his mind and didn't say anymore.  m+ e4 ?6 t# |, G' e
    “How long have you been together?” But I won't let you.
, n/ h$ {# n. L! W- Z" t8 J  P$ B    “7 years.” Itchy period. That's why you are doing this now.
& N( t, w$ s* R( Y2 v    “Oh, it's a long time. I guess she must be very beautiful.” Otherwise you wouldn't've been seeing her for so long.
. K. y" [, [6 g( {    “hehe… yes. She's very beautiful.” How beautiful? I didn't believe, or I didn't want to believe.
% u$ s/ c/ @2 g) E7 U' e6 L9 r$ w    “Really? Do you have her picture? Can I have a look.” Then I'll know who's more beautiful. She or me.
2 i! m$ v  _5 z" C/ d2 K/ B* q9 O# M    “Let me see. Yeah, I have one. I'm sending you now.” He must be very proud of having such a good looking girlfriend.. z7 e3 m( F- ?9 i. i9 r
    “Ok.” He really sent me her picture and I accepted the file, which named 'Tina'.! ?  @/ D4 t6 _) I) \
    “Forgot to ask you that since you are an engineer, how come you come to Shanghai every now and then?” While I was waiting for the picture to be received, 'cause it's slow, I asked a question that I wanted to know very early. Good point! He must be hiding things.+ u2 P: e# {7 W5 U; E
    “You've got elephant's memory ka! I thought you wouldn't've noticed that. I used to be an engineer. My major of my first degree is engineering. But three years ago I changed my job. I'm doing my own business now, and I have business in China as well. Mainly in Shanghai. I travel to Shanghai almost once a month. So I want to make some friends there.” Ahah, so you still want to meet me. * J/ i( U' d5 N: C  K1 j9 i+ g" D1 B! W
    “Really! That's great! When will you come next time then?” Hope it won't be too early.
1 {5 j+ d* Y9 N4 y6 L, {# }    “Next month sometime in May.” Oh yeah, I've still got some time to drop some pounds. Ha.
- j& o% `5 I6 N. v8 h6 v    “Right, don't forget to call me when you come. I have to invite you as my guest from far far away!” Since you are shy to say, then I’ll say it.
. o! q$ k( n3 {- ?2 @    “Hahaha…ok! Tell me your phone number then.” What are you laughing for? Am I telling what you are just thinking?
* r0 W. _4 Z7 p2 _$ S: ]" S1 V    “13901967728. You need to put the area code in front.” Why I'd given my phone number out to someone that I'd never seen and never even known? Was I just curious about him because he's from Thailand? Or maybe I'd already liked him. He might be an ugly guy. But doesn't matter, no matter how ugly he could be, I still wanted to meet him. Although, I knew he wouldn't take it serious most likely.9 J0 n- X2 d5 j# v1 n
    “And what's yours then?” Hope you would give me your real one.( v- S$ p9 H2 o& C) X, J
    “xxxxxxxxx” It looked every odd to me as it's a Thai number.
5 a( H( m3 s1 w* g# q2 d    “Oh the picture receiving has completed!” Cannot wait to see her. Well, she is beautiful. Speechless. ' U1 e! j: O; |0 v0 P+ a3 @0 Q
    “Have you seen her?” He was too impatient to ask.
5 d+ p: @6 v1 p4 b4 o8 `    “Yeah, she's very beautiful. You lucky guy!” I meant it. But people are different. She's beautiful and I'm good looking too. And after all, we still can be friends./ ]( T: f3 V. a4 [
    “Does she cook for you when she comes to your place?” Trying to find out more about her and see how good she is compared to me.
% u) U+ ~4 u% K% k; I' \8 s1 r& f( Z    “…No, she doesn't. hehe.” Great! I cook. The best way to catch a man's heart is to catch his stomach first. Because stomach is very close to heart.
2 V" v8 o  J8 @7 {    “She goes to see you 'sometimes', but still doesn't cook something to treat you a little bit?” It sounded she's not nice to him.
+ Q+ d0 ^6 W7 Q+ h# j; ~2 m    “…She doesn't…She's busy. Very busy…” If she's very busy, how do you manage to see each other very often then? If you don't see each other often, how do you keep a good relationship then?0 S: ?8 p1 ^2 I+ U
    “Oh, what's her job then? Makes her so busy?”
; w' R" O% T# }8 O: s    “Engineer.”! m# Z6 w. j6 n( n  X! `2 \
    “Oh, that's why you've been together for so long. You must be classmates or something.”
6 O4 x. K! B, g    “Yes. Same class.” They must know each other very well. Sometimes it's good for a relationship because they must trust each other very much. But sometimes it's not. Because it's just getting too boring to be together.
6 X) f" ]1 e- E' T5 l    “Then she must be the same age like you.” That's good new for me, ‘cause I'm much younger. Men like young girls.
# d  l: X9 e: D2 H9 e$ ]/ h    “hehe….She's one year younger than me. Oh, nearly forgot. Could you wait for me for a while? I need to go to the bookshop to buy a book.” Excuse. You don't want to talk to me anymore. Because I'm too nosy." D/ b! X. O' X
    “How long will you be back?” Sometimes you need to be thick-skinned.
' R: _& c8 N6 y    “About an hour.” That sounds ok. At least he didn't say he didn't know, which means he really didn't want to talk to me anymore.
3 U% z" S& I( U7 r5 r% b8 G+ o* V9 w    “Ok, I'll wait.” Yes, I'll wait to see if you would come back or not really.  u. e# y2 k8 W1 \) Y

& F/ l( v. [0 m    An hour later.
( ]" }" X  `* d# k    “Hi, are you still there?” He's back on time. I like punctual man.
# i* R3 c9 l3 X7 e4 X    “Yes, I've been waiting here without even leaving the screen for a single second.” I was just messing. “I thought you wouldn't come back again.”- t5 V5 B" J7 m* @/ f6 X+ g
    “hahaha…….I said I would be back, then I'd be back!”0 M, w+ h2 D: W  e
    “hehe……what book did you just buy?”, l/ z! h; I6 a0 P# B! Q
    “An engineering book.” ) y" f% O3 `# i4 Q6 P$ ?
    “I thought you've changed job, why still reading this book?”9 }; v1 p. l9 L- P; W* E7 |# a
    “I'm writing my own book and need some reference.”# q* |: [, ^3 ~" ]  d
    “Are you writing your own academic book? I admire you so much!” I felt a bit ashamed of myself as he's doing such a great job compared to me.* h! i5 U: z* i6 G; G5 o. Q- z
    “Hehe…it's nothing, really. I just want to leave some words to the world.” I like bookish and aspirant man.. s7 f. R. a0 h- G
    “You seem very busy, why you still have time to chat online?” Probably he's been lying all these to me.
0 V/ m: q0 O7 ^) ~5 V    “Hahaha……you've really got a sensitive nose ka! Because I'm writing this book, and just have some free time to stay home. My girlfriend's busy and she cannot come. I ended up alone again. So I logged on QQ and the first person I saw was you. Then I saw your profile and found that you are in Shanghai. It's all a coincidence. From next week I'll start traveling again and won't be able to log on anymore.” I felt a bit embarrassed. Thank god, I didn't say something too shamelessly before.4 u5 w6 G1 q2 `+ f
    “Oh, we've only got one week to chat. Sad……Anyway, I need to go to bed now.” I said goodbye before he did to keep some of my dignity.
, Y& L: f/ h6 O9 ?' \& w. U    “Hahaha……You are so cute! Ok, good night. Will you be here tomorrow?” You see, that's how you fish.3 w2 Y0 t6 P% l: T; g: y
    “Yes, I think so.” I'm too impatient to wait.1 \0 _1 `) v9 V: W; I9 H1 V
    “Good, talk to you tomorrow.” 0 I( {; O+ l& I5 l6 M
    “Ok, same time. Good night.”
+ F; p7 n3 ?) G" d0 G. B    “Good night.”
" ?& s4 i) z6 L" x- j1 j    I was so happy that he wanted to keep on chatting with me.7 J& R- k. B. g" {4 Z
+ ^: ?, F, i4 R  D' ]* @# ~. O
    After a week's chat, I felt he's nice and straight. Anything I asked, he would tell me. And it didn't seem that he lied to me anything. Maybe I just wanted to believe whatever he said. & O% B- s1 V  ~* c
! A$ Y( W7 K9 |: A* M, |6 i
    Just before the day he had to start traveling, I asked him in which hotel he would stay to see where would be convenient for both of us. I was really surprised when he told me the Hyatt[1].
: Q9 C( D. N6 z9 s: [
5 c( }+ d0 g2 H    I live very close to there. Everyday I have to pass there at least twice, but I’d never been inside. It costs a fortune to stay in such a posh five-star hotel. There is no way that I could afford, although I have a decent job teaching in a collage, and my salary is double of the average in Shanghai. 7 N3 ]- w! K" A, L' i- Y: z' u
6 _" X8 R; h4 o( g2 ]" h+ ~$ Y  I
/ ~' w6 r! D: k! n* @' N, v
[1] Grand Hyatt Shanghai is the 'highest hotel in the world' (located on the 53rd to 87th floors of the Jin Mao Tower), located in the heart of Lujiazui, Shanghai's financial and business district.4 W$ v; E" P( h, {
9 c: u3 e; d$ i6 @+ c: h! A
Please see 3A at (click): 【08.06.30】【Serial】Naked Diamond (3A)4 J9 H1 R, c6 V1 ~9 @4 q" D" ^

- ?, Q7 r5 Y2 a$ ^& Q                  
$ q; @  w! u; {3 v6 l- f+ s5 `4 a1 L! D/ K
[ 本帖最后由 helendai 于 2008-7-4 12:48 编辑 ]


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发表于 2008-6-21 22:35 | 显示全部楼层
This is international area,so please reply in English!
% I4 [3 A' J# B2 A3 Z. ]# KIf you have any questions, you can ask administrators for help.( k0 q0 y4 a3 d$ T
Thanks for you cooperation!+ Q5 z' U0 q; j7 l
Helendai, you are great! Support you forever!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-21 22:47 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lachesis 于 2008-6-21 22:35 发表
9 w$ ~, X0 k! H( W5 ?; a6 AThis is international area,so please reply in English!
, c/ l$ s( C" O2 c7 dIf you have any questions, you can ask administrators for help.
/ n& |# f) k( u$ e! A7 HThanks for you cooperation!
5 q; k1 V$ J) I3 W4 [: QHelendai, you are great! Support you forever!

% s2 y3 X. x7 ~" P& n4 T4 z! U& H5 @- F  M" ?  w4 A& w& ]0 B
Thank you~~~~~support you back forever too~~~~~!:)
发表于 2008-6-21 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
Happy to see your post again.I can't help drowning into it which inspires me to make up my love story with Tik. Only in my dream.I'm not brave enough to write it down 'cause have no confidence with mastering English. hehe!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-21 23:31 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Cherrylin 于 2008-6-21 23:25 发表
7 F0 O4 F' m9 t0 I0 T# m4 KHappy to see your post again.I can't help drowning into it which inspires me to make up my love story with Tik. Only in my dream.I'm not brave enough to write it down 'cause have no confidence with ma ...

8 Z" I0 u" }  x3 K$ p8 d/ G7 O* J# Y2 G+ p6 Y4 S  J+ a% N
If you start to write now, after 3 chapters, you will feel very comfortable in writing....believe me. then you can go back to the first chapter to amend it.:)
发表于 2008-6-22 19:25 | 显示全部楼层

A rude requisition

will u add one role to this play whose name is Cherry, a girl secretly falls in love with Tik? hehe^^.She abandones all the thing to love him and don't deserve what she should deserve. In the name of Love , finally she hugs the death and smiles in peace. She died in his arm and told him carefully : I don't feel regret 'cause I know I loved you 1 w7 R) r7 |; ~- G2 _
If u think it will not be suitable 2 ur play , just forget it.Thx!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-22 20:42 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Cherrylin 于 2008-6-22 19:25 发表
0 l6 \* N% k- t% W5 }" twill u add one role to this play whose name is Cherry, a girl secretly falls in love with Tik? hehe^^.She abandones all the thing to love him and don't deserve what she should deserve. In the name of  ...
5 C# u) ?8 f( e5 |* O2 i

/ a" ]7 a& K8 k$ T8 e6 r# t5 L9 @Ok, I'll think about it, but it might not be what u r exactly expecting. but no problem to put your name 'Cherry' in ka....:)
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